Monday, January 25, 2010


So recently, as those of you in my family know, I have made a picassa photo album so that everyone who took pictures over Christmas break at my house could share them all and everyone could have them. What I didn’t know, was that in order to actually download pictures that were uploaded by other people, I had to have the Picassa program on my computer. So I downloaded the program, not really a big deal, but then it started going through all my files and drives looking for every picture and video that I have, and that is a lot. It took forever. It turns out I have like 17,000 pictures and like 60 or 70 movies. Then, as if that weren’t enough, it started doing facial recognition. I thought it was cool at first like, “cool, now I can have who is in what picture, nifty” but with that many pictures to go through, and me having to confirm every single face in every single picture, whether it is the tiny blurred face of a passer-by in the background, or even a drawing I did in paint, if it looked like a face it would have me ID it. And for some reason, it seemed to have me having doubles of everything. Even after leaving my computer on all day, it was only through 30% of my pictures with almost 2000 faces for me to confirm or label. I don’t know if I will ever have them all labeled and confirmed. It is just dull, time-consuming work. So those are my Picassa woes.

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