Monday, September 7, 2009


So I got a haircut a while ago. I told them that I wanted my bangs, and to keep it relatively the same length, but other than that they could give me a haircut that suited me. So, as I suspected, the guy thinned my hair out like crazy. It is the same length, but the amount of hair that is actually the full length has drastically been reduced. It's still the thickness on top though. When I put it into a ponytail though it's like there is nothing there but a few wisps. It's really weird. It reminds me of a mullet in a way, but it doesn't look like it. Or at least I hope it doesn't anyway, lol. I actually quite like it. It's really nice in the heat because there isn't that much hair around my neck anymore. Also, it works really well with my hair when I don't do anything to it. Before when I just let it air dry it was a mess all flat against my head and then waving in ways that weren't at all a pretty site but now when it starts to wave or curl it kind of works with the haircut and doesn't look so bad. Anyway, a picture that I took the same day with my webcam.


  1. It's so CUTE!!! I noticed it on your FB photos and I thought to myself "that is the cutest hair cut I've ever seen!" and it really does suite you well! Oh, and btw I got your message and sorry for the late reply... I will email you back shortly!!!


  2. Ah Brittany! It is gorgeous. It seems very Japanese to me. You look lovely.
